“We just reinflated the whole area. It's very magical.”
Dr. Peter Helton
Cellenis® Derma PRP provides immediate volumizing harnessing the patient’s own DNA. The treatment is performed in office with a small blood sample taken from the patient. It is safe, effective, versatile, non-allergenic procedure, and offers virtually no downtime or side effects. It is a quick and simple treatment that can be performed alone or in combination with many aesthetic services.
Blood is drawn and processed similar to Cellenis® PRP. The Cellenis® Derma PRP is further processed to break the linkages or hydrogen bonds within its protein molecules. Proteins are then restructured in a more densely organized, mesh-like scaffolding with extended reabsorption properties.
Cellenis® Derma PRP can be used within 4 hours of processing. It is a completely autologous material with minimal to no risk of product of allergic reaction.
- Platelet Poor Plasma (PPP) is extracted from the prepared Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
- The PPP which contains 60% albumin is processed in ordered to denature the linkages or hydrogen bonds within the protein molecules (1)
- The proteins are refined into a more densely organized mesh-like structure with extended resorption properties for up to 4–6 months (2)
- The restructured properties allow for a slow, extended-release of platelet derived growth factors. This induces neocollagenesis and enhances skin radiance & revitalization.
1 (Mourão et al). 2 (Doghaim et al).
Enhance Your Beauty Naturally
- Natural biologic created for the patient’s own blood
- Simple, Quick, Small draw. Easy to use
- Comfortable, easy treatment.
- Non-Allergenic and safe for a wider range of patients, including immunocompromised individuals